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   T I P S

 To our subconscious mind, clutter triggers images of stagnation, stuck energy and places where Life doesn't move. It usually represents the things we resist and places that we don't want to put our attention.  Simply put: clean out the clutter.  Piles of laundry, papers, boxes, mail...whatever it is, when we see clutter, our mind equates it with chaos and dead energy.  So make a point to dive into your clutter like a heat seeking missile. Go straight for it, you know where it lives!  Put it away, find a home for it--address it! By putting your attention and focused awareness into that place where clutter has collected, you are reclaiming the places in your environment where you have vacated your consciousness!  So really do it with some enthusiasm, with the knowledge that you are putting your Presence back into this space and that it is YOURS to reclaim.  Once you move that dead energy in your home, you will be surprised at how it moves in your life!

01    Clutter Concentration

 These are the places where the Life energy or Ch'i of our environment comes to a stop like traffic at a four way stop sign.  Take a moment to tune your consciousness into that part of your environment to discover the plants, artwork, or objects which will move the energy of your corners.  The flowing water of a fountain, the flow of air represented by wind chimes, or even the life sustaining energy of a plant can be enough to keep the energy moving and flowing instead of stagnating in your corners. Allow your intuition to guide you towards solutions that redirect the dead energies of a corner into more harmonious, peaceful and joyful spaces.

02    Corners

 Find the places in your home or office where you have vacated your consciousness, those closets, corners, and dead zones that you pretend are not there, or wish weren't. That room where the kids used to live, or the pile of paper in the office that calls out for help, but we ignore.  Put your consciousness into that space, with intention, and yes, even ceremony, and notice the MAGIC that happens when you do!  Energy flows where attention goes!

03    Consciousness

They are the bowels of our homes and offices, the storage bins for old, dead energy. If you don't use it, loose it!  Keep your closets clean, neat, and free of unwanted, old, unused items. Don't allow your closets to become black holes, or they will reflect that energy. Once you have cleared out those closets, offer a simple ceremony of smudging of sage or incense to clear the old lingering vibrations that were there as well. This keeps those closets from reacquiring their old residents again.  Some people prefer to use lemon grass, or an essential oil mixture of peppermint and lemon to freshen up the vibes.

04    Closets

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